Wednesday 25 September 2013

SAP Terminology

Abbreviations and Acronyms
 Posted in SAP   Tags: Abbreviations and Acronyms
ABAP   Advanced Business Application Programming

ACID   Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability

APO   Advanced Planner and Optimizer

BI Business Intelligence

BM  Bridge module

BO  BusinessObjects

BOE  BusinessObjects Explorer

BW   Business Warehouse

BWA   Business Warehouse Accelerator

CD  Compact disc

CPU   Central processing unit

CRC  Cyclic redundancy checking

CRM   Customer Relationship Management

DBCustomer   replaceable unit Database

DIMM   Dual inline memory module

ECC   Error correction code

ECC   Enterprise resource planning

ETL    Extract, transform, and load

FTSS    Field Technical Sales Support

GB   Gigabyte

GBS   Global Business Services

GPFS     General Parallel File System

GTS   Global Technology Services®

HA   High availability

HDD   Hard disk drive

HPI   Hasso Plattner Institute

I/O  Input/output

IBM International Business Machines

ID  Identifier

IMM  Integrated Management Module

IOPS  I/O operations per second

ISICC   IBM SAP International Competence Center

ITSO   International Technical Support Organization

LM  Lifecycle Management

LT  Landscape Transformation

LUW  Logical unit of work

MB  Megabyte

MCA  Machine Check Architecture

NOS  Notes object services

NSD  Network shared disk

NUMA  Non-Uniform Memory Access

OS    Operating system

OSS   Online service system

PC  Personal computer

PCI  Peripheral Component Interconnect

QPI   QuickPath Interconnect

RAID   Redundant Array of Independent Disks

RAM   Random access memory

RAS    Remote access services; row address strobe

RDS   Rapid Deployment Solutions

RPM   Revolutions per minute

SAN  Storage area network

SAPS  SAP Application Benchmark Performance Standard

SAS  Serial Attached SCSI

SATA  Serial ATA

SCM  Software configuration management

SD  Sales and distribution

SDRAM  Synchronous dynamic random access memory

SLES  SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

SLO  System Landscape Optimization

SMI  Synchronous memory interface

SQL  Structured Query Language

SSD  Solid state drive

STG  Server & Technology Group

TCO  Total cost of ownership

TCP/IP  Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

TDMS  Test Data Migration Server

TREX  Text Retrieval and information EXtraction

UEFI Unified Extensible Firmware Interface

USB   Universal Serial Bu

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